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Dia 1 1
Dia 2 2
Dia 3 3
Daily at TV Globo 24 Staffeln Wird fortgesetzt
The program consists of the confinement of a variable number of participants in a graphic house, being watched by cameras 24 hours a day, with no connection to the outside world. Participants cannot communicate with their relatives and friends, read newspapers or other means to obtain external information. These participants are chosen by the production of the program, but they can create whether or not they want to enter the house and have the right to withdraw in the middle of the program.
  • Roksana Bar
  • carol.
  • Rodrigo Silva
& 216.709 Personen folgen dieser Serie
Staffel 1 64
Staffel 2 71
Staffel 3 78
Staffel 4 85
Staffel 5 79
Staffel 6 78
Staffel 7 85
Staffel 8 78
Staffel 9 85
Staffel 10 78
Staffel 11 78
Staffel 12 80
Staffel 13 78
Staffel 14 78
Staffel 15 78
Staffel 16 78
Staffel 17 81
Staffel 18 88
Staffel 19 88
Staffel 20 98
Staffel 21 100
Staffel 22 100


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