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Episode 1 1
Episode 2 2
Episode 3 3
at ABC (AU) 1 temporadas Terminada
The two-part mini-series is a "Romeo and Juliet" story set in a rural Australian town. MARKING TIME traces Hal's journey from boy to man over the period of one year. At the outset, the town and the country are intoxicated with the spirit of the Olympics, and the Centenary of Federation. Hal gets his licence, first car, the right to drink, the right to vote, and falls in love with Randa, a young Afghani refugee. But there is a shifting of consciousness in the town and the nation about refugees, border protection and their place in the world. Hal's heart is broken when he realises that his town is one in which he no longer belongs.
  • actualconman
  • shadlock
  • Cristiano Mirisciotti
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