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Pilot 1
Second Wedding 2
The Pillow 3
Thursday at CBS 1 temporadas Terminada
Rob Schneider stars as Rob, a lifelong bachelor who finally gets married, into a tight-knit Mexican-American family. Rob's wife, Maggie - a book translator who's way out of his league - must break the news to her overprotective, judgmental parents after she and Rob elope in Las Vegas following a whirlwind romance. Shocked by the news, Maggie's family is skeptical of her choice of husband - with the exception of the family's black sheep, Maggie's Uncle Hector, who immediately declares himself Rob's best friend. On his end, Rob tries to eventually win over his in-laws and live happily ever after with his wife.
  • Dor David McMal
  • xtorrents
  • Renzo Del Negro
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