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Episode 1 1
Episode 2 2
Episode 3 3
at ITV1 1 temporadas Terminada
Six Pairs of Pants is a UK comedy sketch series released in 1995 by ITV. Written by Andrew Barclay and Brian West, the show features a soap-style formula where regular characters appear in each episode. The six pairs of pants in question are the comedy actors Jessica Hynes (n√e Stevenson), Simon Schatzberger, Sally Phillips, Simon Pegg, Neil Mullarkey and Katy Carmichael. Focusing on British eccentricity, the show pokes fun at various stereotypical groups that make up the multi-cultural layers of British society. Paranoid florists, judgmental surfers, upper middle class buffoonery, market researchers and Australian visa workers all come under the comic scrutiny of the writers. Using satire combined with young, upbeat humor, Six Pairs of Pants offers a light-hearted journey through the complexity of British culture. Each show comprises a sequence of fast-paced situational sketches that switch from one to another in a seamless delivery of jokes, slapstick and satirical philosophy.
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  • messjm10m
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