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Episode 1 1
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Episode 3 3
Tuesday at TBS (JP) 1 temporadas Terminada
Michiko is single and jobless since her employer went bankrupt. She likes to eat meat most of all, but can only afford cabbage, as she struggles to get a new job and her savings dry up from spending money on a younger men. With no boyfriend, no job and no money, Michiko is hopeless. She only has her passion for eating meat. One day when she tries to steal cat food from a stray cat, she comes across with her former boss, Ayumu. After taking Michiko to his cafe, "Sunflower," (Himawari) Ayumu suggests her to work there. While Michiko is delighted to have a job again, she is also worried about working under Ayumu who was strict and abusive at their former office. At "Sunflower", however, she starts to discover a different side to Ayumu..
  • 🇮🇳 Silvia-tv addict 👑
  • offblackpearl as snap ID
  • kathexs
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