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Episode 1 1
Episode 2 2
Episode 3 3
at Pervyy kanal 2 temporadas Aún transmitida
The plot focuses on capital major Alexei Potapov and a girl from a small provincial town, Lyusya Nekrasova - at first glance, a strange tandem involved in investigating complex crimes. Lusia is an unusual girl: she sees people, places, details of crimes. Having described with absolute accuracy the place of the murder of her own sister, Nekrasova becomes an indispensable police officer, with which her boss categorically disagrees - Potapov, who is used to believing only incontrovertible facts, and not some kind of visions and forebodings. But soon he is forced to admit: an abnormal “fortuneteller” is increasingly right.
  • serienjunkie
  • Юлия Леонова
  • littlemukk
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