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Episode 1 1
Episode 2 2
Episode 3 3
Wednesday at France 2 1 temporadas Terminada
Audrey, 35, the only survivor of a mysterious serial killer who raged in the Biarritz region 16 years earlier, is brutally brought back to her past by a new crime: a 17-year-old girl is found murdered on the coast Basque. Nothing links this murder to the series of crimes committed in the early 2000s by the then nicknamed Itsas killer. Yet Audrey is certain: Itsas is back. To prove it, Audrey will have to face her past, her lies. Because that night, when she crossed paths with the killer, she lied. Above all. To everybody.
  • thavary
  • Cassandre Simonnet
  • Margaux H
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