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Episode 1 1
Episode 2 2
Episode 3 3
Tuesday at JTBC 1 temporadas Terminada
The show will feature the all-female cast, each of whom has an interest in traveling, going to unique and sentimental places in Korea, and spending a night there. In the new posters, each member dresses for a different travel location, from Switzerland, Vietnam, Hawaii, Mexico, France, Spain, and the American Old West. This show actually is a real conceptual camping variety show. The hottest actresses, singers, and comediennes of South Korea get together to go on a conceptual camping trip. The production team promises a new concept every week. In the first episode, the concept is Switzerland. It's a camping trip full of sentimental and romantic vibes.
  • SimplySambo
  • Laëtitia Calmel
  • 👑
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