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Episode 1 1
Episode 2 2
Episode 3 3
Thursday at 1 temporadas Terminada
Baek Tae Hwa is the cat’s owner and an airline co-pilot. He has a good background and handsome looks that would make anyone fall for him. Due to his naturally sweet personality, Baek Tae Hwa has often made women cry without meaning to. The pet hotel he uses suddenly closes before his flight one day, so Baek Tae Hwa ends up entrusting his pet with a woman. Go Mi Rim has an ordinary background and is optimistic by nature. She works part-time at a convenience store while looking for a full-time job. Go Mi Rim agrees to take care of the cat owned by her one-sided love interest, but she starts to hear the cat’s voice after being hit by lightning, setting up the plot for an interesting romance to unfold.
  • Elisa 💜
  • mgp
  • AriaSigh
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