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Episode 1 1
Episode 2 2
Episode 3 3
Monday at ATV (TR) 1 temporadas Terminada
Firuze is a contemporary Cinderella. She is a smart and determined young woman who is both studying and working. After a difficult childhood, she leads a quiet life with her brothers and Muhsin Baba, who adopted them. Until she met Kağan. A naive love story, which sounds like the initials of the name embroidered on a cloth handkerchief, turns into a whirlwind that engulfs all of her loved ones with it. She begins to drift away from her sheltered world which was surrounded by the men of her family who loved and cared about her, towards the dark universe of Kağan.
  • werczixy97
  • beyzanurcagilci
  • Rawan
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