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Turbo Thieves 1
Dark Rider 2
Mystery of Fantasy Park 3
at ABC (US) 1 temporadas Terminada
The series is about a teenager named Brett Matthews who swerves off a road during a thunderstorm and crashes into a secret government laboratory. There, he and his red sports car are accidentally exposed to a molecular beam invented by a scientist named Dr. Chase for a government agent named Cardwell. Man and machine become fused together and as a result, Brett gains the ability to morph into the car when exposed to extreme heat and revert back into his human form when exposed to extreme cold. With this new super hero power, Brett and his friends; Patti, (a freelance reporter), mechanic Alex, (who calls Brett, "TT"), and Brett's dog Rusty, go on crime-fighting adventures together and solve other mysteries.
  • FabioJux
  • frostolo
  • Cassio Ferreira
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