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Captain Moonlight 1
Rescued 2
The Interrogation 3
at ITV 1 saisons Terminées
Fleeing from strife-torn Ireland in 1798, the mysterious Captain Jack (Roy Boyd) is pursued across England by the vicious magistrate Hunter Gowan and his hired thugs. Cornered and captured in Gloucestershire, the good captain is taken to some woods and summarily lynched by Gowan – only to be rescued by a daring young boy named Francis (Keith Jayne). Assisted by a local poacher, Caleb, Francis helps to nurse the captain back to health. Now Captain Jack swears revenge upon Gowan and his gang and prepares for vengeance – even as Gowan discovers Jack’s body is missing and begins to hunt him down in turn… Made by Southern Television for the ITV Network.
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  • dalaliva
  • Anonymous
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