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Episode 1 1
Episode 2 2
Episode 3 3
Daily at Hunan TV 1 saisons Terminées
It is said that only individuals with the "spirit language" can possess a pair of Golden Eyes. Zhuang Rui is a simple pawnshop worker when his life was changed forever by a new set of eyes after an accident. When Zhuang Rui's upgrade leads to special magical powers that let him see through everything, he decides to use them to get rich by joining auctions for gemstones and betting on precious antiques. Meanwhile, undercover police officer Miao Feifei, who is suspicious of his actions, decides to tag along for further investigation. With his newly founded squad, Zhuang Rui searches for the secrets and mysteries behind the Golden Eyes, where he finds out that being bestowed with the magical gift leads to numerous consequences and an eventual death.
  • BrendaSales
  • Jallie
  • idekyih
& 2 373 personnes suivent cette série


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