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The driver 1
No sleep 'til Wembley 2
Enter the garage 3
at BBC One 1 stagioni Finita
The series was co-written by and starred Vaughan as Paul Clarke, a fast-talking mini-cab driver and cocky small-time crook who likes to think of himself as a criminal mastermind. With an almost pathological compulsion to lie and a dangerous habit of boasting about his scams and heavy criminal acquaintances, Clarke's motor-mouth frequently lands him in trouble with both sides of the law. This is often exacerbated by the actions of his over-aggressive and under-intelligent best mate Sean. The show is based in Acton, West London, where Paul lives with his mother Di, his mixed-race sister Shiv and her constantly stoned boyfriend Lee. He and Sean spend much of their time down the pub, which is run by Tim – a deceptively well spoken ex-serviceman with a history of violence. The series suffered from many flaws, not least Johnny Vaughan's unconvincing turn as the shell-suited wide-boy Paul, which took centre stage whilst supporting characters were left under-developed and languishing in the background. In addition, the characters were all so "orrible" themselves, that no one cared what happened to any of them. Despite being an adult comedy in terms of the use of bad language, the odd spot of violence and depictions of drug abuse, the writing was anything but mature – with clumsy unbelievable storylines and unoriginal stilted humour. The show was panned by critics and had low ratings. It ran for one series.
  • Stefano
  • Katia Nascimento de Sales
  • Tom Acton
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