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Episode 1 (missing) 1
Episode 2 2
Episode 3 (missing) 3
at BBC One 9 stagioni Finita
The nine series of 50 minute programmes produced between 1968 and 1976 by Eric Morecambe and Ernie Wise are generally considered to be their best output; all penned by Eddie Braben (save for the 1976 Christmas Show which was penned by John Junkin and Barry Cryer) these programmes used a familiar format of opening spot with the duo in front of their familiar "tabs", followed by a musical guest, sketches, another musical guest followed by a scene in the fictional flat, either in bed or in the lounge greeting star guests, usually a play "What Ern Wrote" and the closing song and credits. This format was occasionally not used but was considered the "norm" during the pair's BBC years. Until 1973, unlike other shows episodes were broadcast every fortnight rather than weekly.
  • Lee Pugh
  • ripley
  • PauloLamelas
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