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Tuesday at OnStyle 1 stagioni Finita
The TaeTiSeo takes the viewers behind the scenes to unveil the human side of Girls' Generation's Taeyeon, Tiffany and Seohyun, revealing how they live their normal everyday lives and what they do in their free time. The title of the show itself, The TaeTiSeo, was the three singers' name when they formed the Girls' Generation subgroup, TTS, back in 2012. It is the second reality show in OnStyle’s Real Star series, following Jessica & Krystal. An OnStyle representative stated, "We'll relieve viewers' curiosity about what TaeTiSeo do during their free time, what they talk about when the three get together...We plan on revealing honest and sweet moments of Taeyeon, Tiffany, and Seohyun...We believe this will be an opportunity to see TaeTiSeo not on a brilliant stage, but in their everyday lives." The three singers attended a press conference for the premier of the show on August 26, 2014.
  • SimplySambo
  • matilde
  • maddie1704
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