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Episode 1 1
Episode 2 2
Episode 3 3
Tuesday at Channel 4 4 stagioni Finita
An Irish woman and an American man make a bloody mess as they struggle to fall in love in London. Clumsy lust, instant pregnancy, and genuine disaster provide the foundation for this flaming hovel of a relationship. In a mess of events always in danger of slipping out of their grasp, Rob and Sharon must also learn to deal with her largely awful friend; his eccentric Bostonian mother; and attempt to navigate the choppy waters of their ever-more-complicating lives. Can Sharon, "an extraordinarily good-smelling woman" and Rob, "a sturdy love-maker" steer through the increasingly thorny situations they find themselves in and still find time for an emergency shag in a stairwell? Prepare to find out.
  • rogucan
  • krtariles
  • subhashp
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