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Wednesday at Nippon TV 1 stagioni Finita
Twenty-eight-year-old Etsuko Kono is the ultimate fashionista. Overflowing with curiosity, she's constantly asking "why?" and "how?" Etsuko's lifelong dream is to become an editor for a fashion magazine. She's applied numerous times while taking on part-time jobs to make ends meet, but to no avail. Then finally, she bags an offer from a large publishing house, only to find out that she's been assigned to the least glamorous department in the company--the Proofreading Department! Not easily discouraged, Etsuko dons a flashy ensemble and heads off to her proofreading job. Etsuko is the type of woman who isn't satisfied unless she meticulously investigates every single issue, and it reflects on her unique proofreading style, which is so bold and daring that is leads to one trouble after another! Whether it's forcing her way into uncharted places that are difficult to enter, or infiltrating a crime scene that's being investigated by a tabloid so she can get the facts herself, Etsuko goes all-out to take proofreading to new dimensions! "If your dreams don't come true, is your life a failure?" "But as long as you put all your heart into it, any job can be a blast!" "Long live unglamorous jobs!" This fall, Nippon TV pays homage to all working women with "Proofreading Diva," the ultimate workplace entertainment drama!
  • juju
  • elainewyw
  • Nora
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