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No Pain, No Gain 1
There Is A Friend Where You Less Expect 2
The Future Is Unpredictable 3
Wednesday at RTP1 2 stagioni Finita
Manuel, a young man from Braga, comes to Lisbon to follow his dream - to work as a Chef. Manel arrives at the uber-chic restaurant "Divina Comédia" with high hopes of success. But instead of a job interview, he faces embarrassing situations. Manel tries several strategies to solve the situation, but runs into Kika, the manager of the restaurant. There seems to be no hope for him but his fate changes when the Chef hires him, only to irritate Kika. The Chef of the "Divina Comédia" is Vítor Guerreiro, a kitchen genius, an authoritarian manager and an eccentric.
  • THChato
  • Nuno Azevedo
  • Marta Baptista
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