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Teen Spirit 1
Bitch 2
The Man in the House 3
at ZDFneo 1 stagioni Finita
Everything seems to be perfect for Frank Sporbert, husband, father with a successful medium-sized company: the immaculate facade, including a modern detached house and a climate-neutral car has cracks. His wife Carmen has been having an affair with her fitness trainer for some time, and for his kids Max and Becky, he is just some kind of ATM. Even in his company, Frank seems meaningless. His employees finish important deals themselves, and his absence is not even noticeable. Frank feels empty and without prospects. Then is neighbor daughter Sascha Decker at his door. Barely half as old as Frank, she feels as empty and lost as he is. The daughter of wealthy parents could have anything that she wants - but she is not perceived in her family. Sascha does not want to enter into the life prepared by her parents.
  • danteassindia
  • ingridkr
  • ManniBaer
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