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Episode 1 1
Episode 2 2
Episode 3 3
Weekdays at TeenNick Israel 4 stagioni Ancora in corso
While spending a summer-long family vacation by the lake, siblings Tommy, Nikki, and Daniel Fisher discover that their seemingly boring parents are actually daring undercover spies. When the siblings realize their parents' mission is in jeopardy, they form a secret task force called THE SPYDERS in order to help them out. Will the untrained, blundering Spyders succeed where mom and dad failed? While spending a summer-long family vacation by the lake, siblings Tommy, Nikki and Daniel Fisher discover that their seemingly boring parents are actually daring undercover spies. When the siblings realize their parent's mission is in jeopardy, they form a secret task force called The Spyders in order to help them out. Will the untrained, blundering Spyders succeed where mom and dad failed?
  • sabrinaliegeois
  • Nela Potok
  • Jéssica Santos
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