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Juris Rückkehr 1
Beste Freundinnen 2
Der richtige Vater 1
at ZDF 3 stagioni Ancora in corso
When Katharina Wegener (Valerie Niehaus) faces her old love Juri (Dirk Borchardt), 30 years suddenly seem like one day. For decades Katharina took care of Juri's father Willi, but now her good will is reaching its limits. Willi gets weird and needs the attention of his son, who climbed over the fence of the Prague embassy in 1989 and emigrated to Canada. Since then he has organized tours through the wilderness. The unconventional musician actually wanted to flee the GDR together with Katharina, but she shied away from taking the decisive step. Now Juri is returning to Eisenach after such a long time. But 30 years later, Katharina's life concept fits nothing less than the fact that the first time she sees Juri again, the old magic is back.
  • werczixy97
  • funkenhimmel
  • Lisschen
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