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Episode 1 1
Episode 2 2
Episode 3 3
Weekends at Kan 11 1 stagioni Ancora in corso
Follows a successful author of thriller books, who has been in a writing barrier for a long time and also an offer to publish a story in sequels in a newspaper fails to rescue him from the barrier. Salvation comes from the neighbor, Dr. Victor Guetta. Guetta asks Aviram to give his opinion on a story he wrote. Aviram, who hates requests of this kind, approaches the reading reluctantly and is amazed: this is the most beautiful story anyone has ever written. Aviram decides to steal the story. He sends the story to the system, not knowing what a whirlwind his life is about to enter as a result of the act.
  • Yigal Akavian
  • HaimR
  • Ofek Avidan Navarsky
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