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Episode 01 1
Episode 02 2
Episode 03 3
Weekends at Geo TV 1 stagioni Ancora in corso
Meerab is an ambitious young girl who wants to pursue higher studies. Her strong and confident personality makes her stand against social injustices around her. On the contrary, Murtasim hails from a powerful and influential family. He respects and values the morals and traditions of his family and refuses to let the family down. Meerab’s life takes an unexpected turn when she finds out about her family’s decision regarding her and Murtasim’s life. Soon their lives go through a series of emotional sufferings and misunderstandings where it becomes difficult for them to coexist. Despite their hatred towards each other, will Meerab and Murtasim accept their true feelings or will the dynamics of ego and self-respect force them to stay apart?
  • NOUR
  • Ashjan
  • San Dra
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