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Episode 1 1
Episode 2 2
Episode 3 3
Wednesday at Kanal D 1 stagioni Finita
Follows the lives of Ateş and Deniz, a couple whose lives are turned upside down when Ateş, a famous basketball player, is involved in a sex scandal. To add to their troubles, Deniz suddenly loses her father, whom she was devoted to. Deniz and her estranged siblings come together for their father's funeral only to discover he was in serious financial trouble. Deniz and her daughter goes to her father’s village, where Deniz tries to save the family farm and recover from her husband’s betrayal. Meanwhile, Ateş struggles to prove his innocence and win back the love of his wife and daughter.
  • emmabeurton
  • werczixy97
  • Sorina Mocanu
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