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Goro's Dream and Daddy's Dream 1
Their Friendship 2
I Hate You, Daddy! 3
Saturday at NHK 6 stagioni Finita
Major is a drama about emotional joy and heartbeak on the baseball diamond. As father, son and teacher (now turned Goro's mom since his first mom's death). More than ever these three will be closer than ever to becoming a complete family. Until an unthinkable tragic event visits the family in a harsh way. Now, Momoko Hoshino (Goro's new mom) and Goro will have to make their dreams come true and reach for the victory in the baseball scene. To make that happen, Goro trains everytime to live up to his father's legacy. And he also forms a new team of little leaguers. Called; The Dolphins. Which he pitches for the team. Emotions of joy and sadness, victory and defeat will now play a part in Goro's everyday training and game as he plays for the Dolphins and eventually steps into the majors.
  • Sofiane DiCaprio
  • Elsabet Einarsdóttir
  • SoAlex
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