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The Crash (Part 1) 1
The Crash (Part 2) 2
Trouble at the Mill (Part 1) 3
at Network 10 2 stagioni Finita
The Henderson Kids was an Australian Childrens show back in 1985. It was about two Melbourne teenagers who were forced to go and live in a small country town of Haven Bay with their Uncle (Nicholas Eadie) when a tragic road accident kills their mother. Now 15 year old Steve (Paul Smith) and his 13 year old sister Tamara (Nadine Garner) not only have to deal with their grief for their mother, but the bullying of the local kids and a ruthless business man determined to get his hands on their land no matter what the cost.
  • bustagroovy
  • William Speed Stone
  • StinaStaffyMum
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