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Monday at BBC Two 7 stagioni Finita
Satirical impressions sketch programme. Doctor Who, Tony Blair, George Bush and many more come to our screens in unexpected and extremely funny sketches and stunts. With their own twist on programmes such as Restoration, How Clean is Your House, Dr Who and The Office, Jon Culshaw, Jan Ravens, Kevin Connelly, Phil Cornwell and Mark Perry prove once again that nothing is sacred and no-one is safe. Derren Brown, Paul Burrell, Simon Cowell and Kim and Aggie from 'How Clean Is Your House' had also better look out - they’re amongst the new characters to be given the Dead Ringers treatment, joining such favourites as Simon Schama, Sophie Raworth, Robert Winston, Gandalf and the Osbournes in this topical round-up of the year’s events. Christmas has never been so spicy. Dead Ringers started life on BBC Radio Four. Listeners loved the witty way it lampooned the station's shows and personalities: newsreaders Brian Perkins and Charlotte Green were transformed into "The Daddy", and a sultry sex-kitten, respectively! When the show made the leap to TV, a host of new targets walked into the line of fire including Ricky Gervais, Ozzy Osbourne, Fiona Bruce, Dirty Den and Kirsty Allsop (from Location Location Location). All of these characters (and more) are brought to you by a cast of just four regulars (Kevin Connelly, Jon Culshaw, Mark Perry and Jan Ravens). And unlike some sketch-based comedies that have blighted British screens, a crack writing team means that there's zero padding in each episode.
  • Fufa
  • Deborah Cheliz
  • Da Silva
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