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Episode 1 1
Episode 2 2
Episode 3 3
Thursday at Arte 1 temporadas Finalizada
1919. World War I has just ended. During this age of turmoil, Dörte Helm, a young art student in Weimar, follows Walter Gropius’ call and joins the newly-founded Bauhaus school. His innovative approach is provocative for many but exciting to Dörte and she becomes a true disciple of the new movement that challenges not only artistic conceptions, but societal structures as well. The school becomes a breeding ground for modernity, jazz – and feminism. A love story grows between Gropius and Dörte, adding fuel to the fire to the ensuing scandal threatening the very existence of the Bauhaus; the school of art that would go on to shape the 20th century like no other…
  • lilhjang
  • nonohine
  • Rodrigo Vera Alvarez
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